Henry Cavill
Henry Cavill – Skuespilleren med den stærke tilstedeværelse
Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill blev født på øen Jersey i den britiske kronbesiddelse Channel Islands. Hans mor, Marianne (Dalgliesh), er husmor og blev også født på Jersey af irsk, skotsk og engelsk afstamning. Henrys far, Colin Richard Cavill, er aktiemægler og har engelsk oprindelse, født i Chester, England. Henry er den næstyngste af fem brødre. Han blev uddannet privat på St. Michaels Preparatory School i Saint Saviour, Jersey, før han begyndte på Stowe School i Buckinghamshire, England.
Interessen for skuespil begyndte for Henry i en tidlig alder med skoleopførelser af Shakespeares En skærsommernatsdrøm og Sonny LaTierri i Grease. Han medvirkede også i og instruerede en fortolkning af Shakespeares Hamlet i BBC-dokumentaren 40 Minutes. Det var, da Henry var 17 år gammel, at han blev opdaget af casting directors på skolen, som ledte efter en ung dreng til at spille Albert Mondego i Greven af Monte Cristo (2002). Han fortsatte derefter med at medvirke i Vendetta (2001), BBCs The Inspector Lynley Mysteries (2001), tv-filmen Goodbye, Mr. Chips (2002) og tv-serien Midsomer Murders (1997).
Da Henry var 20 år gammel, fik han hovedroller i filmene Jeg er ikke bange (2003), Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005), Red Riding Hood (2006) og Tristan + Isolde (2006). Han havde også en mindre rolle i fantasy-eventyr-eposet Stardust (2007) sammen med Sienna Miller og Ben Barnes. I perioden 2007-2010 havde Henry en ledende rolle i tv-serien The Tudors (2007) som Charles Brandon, 1. hertug af Suffolk. Serien blev en succes og blev nomineret til en Golden Globe Award i 2007 og vandt en Emmy Award i 2008. Entertainment Weekly kårede ham som Most Dashing Duke.
Henry medvirkede også i Blood Creek (2006) og Woody Allens komediefilm Whatever Works (2009). Den 30. januar 2011 blev det annonceret, at Henry Cavill var blevet castet som den næste Superman i Man of Steel (2013), hvilket gjorde ham til den første ikke-amerikanske skuespiller, der spillede Superman. Filmen blev instrueret af Zack Snyder, produceret af Christopher Nolan og skrevet af David S. Goyer. Den 7. november 2011 medvirkede Henry i Tarsem Singhs fantasy-eventyr-epos Immortals (2011) sammen med Mickey Rourke, Freida Pinto og Luke Evans. Den 7. september 2012 medvirkede Henry i action-thrilleren Cold Light of Day (2012) sammen med Bruce Willis og Sigourney Weaver.
Den 10. juni 2013 havde Man of Steel verdenspremiere i New York City, efterfulgt af London, Jersey, Sicilien, Madrid, Shanghai, Sydney og Tokyo. Filmen blev den mest indtjenende Superman-film til dato og den næsthøjeste indtjenende genindspilning nogensinde efter The Amazing Spider-Man (2012). Glamour magazine kårede ham som den mest sexede mand. I august 2014 blev Henry ambassadør for Durrell Wildlife Park og oprettede hjemmesiden og sociale medier med navnet #CavillConservation for at hjælpe med at indsamle midler og skabe opmærksomhed om hans kærlighed til dyr og naturbevaring. Den 3. november 2014 blev det annonceret, at Cavill, hans bror Charlie og den London-baserede producer Rex Glensy havde dannet deres eget britiske produktionsselskab, Promethean Productions.
Den 7. august 2015 begyndte The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015) sin premiere-turné med en folkepremiere på det berømte Somerset House i London, efterfulgt af verdenspremieren i New York City, Toronto og Rio de Janeiro. Cavill genindspillede rollen som Superman i Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) og Justice League (2017).
Kilder: IMDb Mini Biography By: Pedro Borges
- Man of Steel – Clark Kent/Kal-El (2013)
- Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Clark Kent/Superman (2016)
- Justice League – Superman/Clark Kent (2017)
- Mission: Impossible – Fallout – August Walker (2018)
- The Witcher – Geralt of Rivia (2019–2023, TV-serie)
- Enola Holmes – Sherlock Holmes (2020)
- Night Hunter – Marshall (2018)
- Sand Castle – Cpt. Syverson (2017)
- The Man from U.N.C.L.E. – Solo (2015)
- The Cold Light of Day – Will (2012)
- Immortals – Theseus (2011)
- The Tudors – Charles Brandon (2007–2010, TV-serie)
- Critics Choice Super Awards (Nomineret i 2022) – Bedste skuespiller i en science fiction/fantasy-serie – The Witcher
- Hollywood Critics Association Television Awards (Nomineret i 2022) – Bedste skuespiller i en streaming-serie, drama – The Witcher
- Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA (Nomineret i 2021) – Bedste skuespiller i en tv-serie – The Witcher
- CinEuphoria Awards (Vinder i 2019) – Bedste birolle – Audience Award – Mission: Impossible – Fallout
- Teen Choice Awards (Nomineret 5 gange) – Choice Movie Actor: Action (2018) – Justice League, Choice Movie Actor: Sci-Fi/Fantasy (2016) – Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Choice Movie: Liplock (2016) – Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Choice Summer Movie Star: Male (2013) – Man of Steel, Choice Movie: Liplock (2013) – Man of Steel
- Razzie Awards (Nomineret 2 gange, vundet 1 gang) – Værste skuespiller (2017) – Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Værste skærmkombination (2017) – Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (delt med Ben Affleck)
- Kids Choice Awards, USA (Nomineret 3 gange) – Favorit film skuespiller (2017) – Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Favorit røv spark Butt kicker (2017) – Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Favorit fjender (2017) – Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (delt med Ben Affleck)
- Critics Choice Awards (Nomineret i 2014) – Bedste skuespiller i en aktionsfilm – Man of Steel
- MTV Movie + TV Awards (Vinder i 2014) – Bedste helt – Man of Steel som Clark Kent
- NewNowNext Awards (Nomineret 2 gange) – NextyCause Youre Hot (2013) – Man of Steel, Cause Youre Hot (2012) – The Tudors
- While working as an extra in Proof of Life (2000), Cavill asked Russell Crowe for advice about acting, since he had aspirations of pursuing a full-time career as an actor. A few days after their conversation, he received a box of gifts from Crowe that included a signed picture of him in Gladiator (2000) with the words, Dear Henry: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step written on it. Crowe would later play Henrys father in Man of Steel (2013).
- Admitted during an interview with Conan OBrien that he narrowly missed the call from Zack Snyder, informing him that he had won the coveted role of Superman because he was busy playing World of Warcraft. Cavill said he only noticed Snyders name on Caller ID at the last second and by the time he put his hand on the phone to pick it up, it was too late, so he called Snyder back immediately, jokingly stating he was busy saving someones life.
- He did not watch any previous Superman films or television series while making Man of Steel (2013), using the comics solely as a reference for his portrayal of Superman.
- For his role as Clark Kent/Superman in Man of Steel (2013), he followed a strict work-out regimen and consumed 5000 calories a day for six months. He also dyed his hair black.
- Traditionally wears a signet gentlemans ring featuring his family coat of arms on the small finger of his left hand.
- Has an interest in Ancient History, especially in Egyptology, Greek, and Ancient Rome.
- His favorite movie is the epic drama Gladiator (2000).
- He once shared a story about his nephew Thomas. One day at school, the class was talking about their families, and Thomas told the class that his uncle was Superman. The teacher didnt believe him, and everyone was making fun of the boy. After Thomas mother was called in to the school, she confirmed that Henry Cavill is, in fact, his uncle.
- His dream role is to play Alexander the Great.
- Is a huge fan of comic books although he says he did not get to read them growing up due to his time at boarding school.
- His older brother, Major Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill, received an MBE as a heroic Royal Marine for keeping the vulnerable safe in a hostile environment in Afghanistan.
- Author Stephanie Meyer based the description of Edward Cullen in her Twilight novels on Henry and even lobbied for him to play the role before Robert Pattinson was cast, but he was considered too old to play a 17-year-old by the time the film was produced.
- His favorite actor is Russell Crowe. He will be playing the son of Crowes character Jor-El in Man of Steel (2013).
- Started a tradition in 2012 for giving out commemorative coins as a token of appreciation to people he has worked with.
- Has a knack for languages. Hes already fluent in French, has conversational skills in Italian and German, and can order a beer in Czech.
- Lost two roles to Robert Pattinson: Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) and the role of Edward Cullen in Twilight (2008) which author Stephanie Meyer had described him as Perfect for.
- An admitted long time gamer Cavill posted a video to YouTube in July of 2020 (which has almost one million views) showing him constructing a new gaming PC by himself.
- During his childhood he was bullied a lot at school for his chubbiness and known as Fat Cavill because he was fat as a kid.
- In 2005, Henry became a young contender for the role of James Bond in Casino Royale (2006), and performed in a final screen test. However, the producers believed Henry was too young for the role, and gave it to Daniel Craig.
- Likes rugby, but no longer plays due to injuries.
- Says if he had not picked up acting, he would have joined the armed forces to fulfill his patriotic pride.
- Is the first non-American actor to play Superman.
- Good friends with Luke Evans, Jason Momoa, Luca Calvani, and Armie Hammer.
- Is the first actor since Christopher Reeve to play the role of Clark Kent/Superman in more than one film.
- Achieved 6% body fat for Immortals (2011) and then went even further for Man of Steel (2013) where he achieved a body fat percentage of 3%.
- Fan of the NFL football team the Kansas City Chiefs.
- Made his first trip to the United States to attend the Hollywood premiere of The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).
- Bought an American Akita dog in January 2014 from Big Bear Akitas breeders in Arkansas, United States. Henry named him Kal, after his role as Superman.
- Resides in London, United Kingdom and Jersey, Channel Islands.
- Henrys last name Cavill is pronounced like the word travel.
- He is trained in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
- His fans have been called The Cavillry.
- Ranked the #1 Sexiest Man by Glamour magazine (2013).
- Was engaged to British Showjumper Ellen Whitaker in May 2011, but separated later that same year.
- Henrys paternal grandparents, Richard Cavill and Gladys Jesse May Smith, were English. Henrys maternal grandfather, Alan Gardner Dalgliesh, was born in Guatemala, of English and Scottish descent, while Henrys maternal grandmother, Mary Kathleen ODonnell, was Irish.
- His favorite Superman storylines and the ones he used for inspiration are Death of Superman, Return of Superman, Superman: Red Son, and Earth-One.
- Second actor to play Geralt of Rivia in an official live-action adaptation of Andrzej Sapkowskis Witcher novels.
- Henry participated in the Combined Cadet Force (CCF) training programme during his time as a student at Stowe School.
- Attended the London premiere of Suicide Squad (2016) along with fellow Justice League (2017) cast member Jason Momoa.
- Was director Martin Campbells choice for the role of James Bond in Casino Royale (2006), but he was outvoted by the producers who felt he was too young for the role.
- One of the few A list stars in Hollywood to sport a full eight-pack configuration of abs instead of the more common six-pack.
- Cavill is a very active Warhammer 40,000 player.
- Voted as one of the Worlds Sexiest Men in a poll by Attitude (2013), behind Tom Daley.
- His favorite Superman story arc is New Krypton by Geoff Johns.
- In 2002, he appeared in both The Count of Monte Cristo (2002) and Goodbye, Mr. Chips (2002).
- Has worked with actor Bill Nighy twice, once in I Capture the Castle (2003) and also The Inspector Lynley Mysteries (2001).
- Played a role with the name Colley twice, and back to back.
- Has two roles in common with Jacek Rozenek: Geralt of Rivia and Superman/Clark Kent.
- Born at 2:40 AM (GDT).
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